Dawn is able to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels and bring through clear-channeled guidance regarding your life situations, purpose and answers to your immediate questions.
She has a Master's degree in Counseling and Psychology and is a skilled NLP Practitioner. She can help you work through an old issue, and clear it out safely once and for all.
Dawn Lianna’s style is fun, loving, soulful and supportive.
Hi Everybody, We are at a time of such great change. As we move forward, Spirit calls us to stay in the moment and allow the Universe to guide us. We don’t really know how things are going to unfold on the outer and it is a time of the wild card, multiple timelines of…
Access Accurate, Clear, Reliable, Intuition! Hi everyone, Sometimes it’s harder to access your intuition than at other times. Here are some tools to help you get more clarity. 1. Your answer could be blocked because of an issue or limiting belief. It’s important to clear the issue. Work on clearing the background noise that is…
Scientific studies reveal that women carry the DNA of their children in their brains.We each have intuition and we have each heard of a Mother’s intuition. Science has discovered that mothers, who have carried male children, have traces of male DNA, the Y chromosome in part of their brains. This couldn’t have come from their…
The Thread of Life is Love Time to Read: 2 -3 minutes Imagine a thread that runs through life. This thread is invisible but it runs through life anyway. It is made of love. Imagine that you can see, sense and feel quietly the thread of life, this love inside of you. When you really don’t…
Hi everyone, One of my favorite topics is how beliefs relate to our healthy, wealth, fears, dreams and well-being. As we learn to deprogram ourselves from social and familial stories, our beliefs evolve into core beliefs that support the manifestation of which we stand and of what we really want. Sometimes it feels like that doesn’t…
Hi everyone, What are Beliefs and How Do Beliefs Work? Beliefs are the software that drive the subconscious mind toward the programmed outcome. If your beliefs say there is lack in your world, then you will find lack. If you believe there is abundance in your world and that you are worthy of it, you…
Thank You and Survey Feedback Hi everyone, Thanks! Thanks to all the folks who filled out the survey. It was very, very helpful. Thanks to all of you who are integrating your intuition and guidance into your lives. This helps us all. Survey Feedback The feedback told me that the greatest interest of those who…
Waiting List for Sessions Hi everyone, I Sent a Late Call For Sessions and I Filled Up. I have no more appointments available currently between now and June. I’m not booking any further appointments. If you wish to be put on a waiting list for an intuitive reading session, please email me at dawnlia@gmail.com.…
Hi everyone, The Rose of Truth: Coming Back to Love In meditation, I recently had a vision of a Rose. I didn’t know it by her name, when she first appeared in my field. In slow motion she peeled her petals. As they fell back and floated off, the core of the rose was revealed.…
Hi everyone, As I sat in meditation this week, my Spirit Guides spoke to me about this being the time of Reflection and Revelations. Globally and personally much will be revealed this year. Even those who are well studied and think they know what’s going on will be surprised by what comes forward across the…