Dawn is able to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels and bring through clear-channeled guidance regarding your life situations, purpose and answers to your immediate questions.
She has a Master's degree in Counseling and Psychology and is a skilled NLP Practitioner. She can help you work through an old issue, and clear it out safely once and for all.
Dawn Lianna’s style is fun, loving, soulful and supportive.
What are Nature Spirits? Nature has been wanting to be more included in my intuitive work with the spirit guide and angelic realm, so I thought I would share the nature spirits more deeply with you. Nature spirits are friends and allies from the nature realm. Your dog, cat, bird or other pet is a…
Sometimes forgiveness feels very natural. Other times we struggle to forgive ourselves and each other. Hooponopono is an ancient healing technique brought forward by Dr. Hew Len. It is a strategy to help us reach forgiveness. Here is a copy of the technique and how to use it. Use your intuition to help you. Hooponopono…
Hi, Your mouth and taste buds are a powerful intuitive tool. They can help you with your intuition in a big way. The taste of a situation is as real and as informative as your feelings about something. They give you another pathway to the energy of your answer and inner voice. Here are some…
Free Archangel Metatron Meditation. This is a 13 minute meditation and it starts right when you click on it. So get comfy and sit down to meet Archangel Metatron. For the whole Course “Bring On Miracles with the Archangels Course” Click Here. At the time of this posting the course is still available on…
Hi Everyone, We each have had those moments when we have felt a warning in our gut or our heart. We may have had sweaty palms walking into situations we don’t feel good about. These signals from your intuition are very important warning signs. While it may seem simple and obvious to many that we…
How to Use The Emotional Freedom Technique to Boost Your Intuition A technique that works very well to help us clear our emotional body is EFT or the Emotional Freedom Technique. This technique has become quite popular and there is a lot of information about it online. It is a tapping technique created by Roger…
Experience The Foreground and Background of Your Intuition and Psychic Hits In each experience in our lives, certain aspects of our experience are in the foreground of our conscious awareness, and get the focus of our attention. Other parts of our experience are there, yet remain in the background. Look at the photograph of…
Hi there, Your guides are friends and helpers in the spirit world. They are members of our soul family who are not incarnating right now. Master level guides are beings that travel with us, love us deeply and have our best interests at heart. Most of us appear to have at least two or three…
Nature is one of your greatest helpers. The tiniest flower growing through the crack in the pavement has worked very hard to brighten your day. It has pushed through the strongest of adversity to get to the surface to find you and show it’s face for a few days. Enter the mighty dandelion, peeking its…
I asked my guardian angel to come around in front of me. She bowed to me and then turned her back to me and bent down. I laid down on my angel’s back. At first I could hardly believe the extent of her heartbeat. I didn’t really know that angels had a heart beat. I…