Dawn is able to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels and bring through clear-channeled guidance regarding your life situations, purpose and answers to your immediate questions.
She has a Master's degree in Counseling and Psychology and is a skilled NLP Practitioner. She can help you work through an old issue, and clear it out safely once and for all.
Dawn Lianna’s style is fun, loving, soulful and supportive.
Blessings, Acknowledgment and 3 Free tools. Time to Read: 1-3 Minutes Featured Course at Daily OM How to Contact your Spirit Guides (Sliding scale) This is a powerful course on how to Connect with your Guide and Angels offered through Daily OM. Curious? You can sign up or give as a gift right here. Some Free…
Happy Solstice Friends, I wish you a warm and heart-centered solstice. We often think of this as the shortest day of the year and the beginning of winter. It is also the longest night. I want to honor the night and the moon. The moon time is a time for healing. The moon carries the…
Howdy everyone, I am very grateful to be alive and well. I’m very grateful for you. I wish for you infinite love and deep alignment. I was listening in and contemplating what to write today. As, I landed in the moment, I choose to be authentic with you once again. I’m at a crossroads in…
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, I want to share my gratitude with you. I have done few newsletters the last few weeks. Steve and I have moved from Portland to CA. and my time and focus has been on moving, staying healthy and creating a new home. I plan to be in touch more as we get…
Article: Unlock Your Angelic Communication Skills Time to Read: About 3 minutes Dear friends, Unlocking your Angelic communication skills starts with an open heart and mind. If you’re seeking guidance, clarity, or a deep connection to the divine, learning to communicate with your Angels and Spirit Guides can be a welcome solace. I want to share some practical…
Hi everyone, I am very happy to let you know that my course: Contact Your Angels for Empowerment is the featured course at Daily OM this week. They are offering it at a very reasonable sliding scale (choose your own price) from $19 – $55.00. Check it out here! I know that many of you…
Hi everyone, Sometimes our intuition seems like it is not forthcoming. We have trouble getting the information we are seeking. This can be for a myriad of reasons and so it is important to know how to sort that out. What to Do When Your Intuition is not Forthcoming. 1. Take a break. Take space.…
When You are at a Crossroads Sometimes we are at a place in life where we don’t know what to do or which way to go. We want to make effective decisions that will turn out for the best. Here’s an exercise that you can do in meditation to help you with any decisions, large…
Hi everyone, I sat with the Angels and Received this Message on Love. You are aware by now, that love flows through you. Some of you are aware that it is your nature and some of you have come to recognize yourself as love. Love is in a constant flow in this Universe. Even when there is…
Hi everyone, Each day I visit with the Angels and Archangels. They remind me to ask for the gifts of the day and to receive the gifts that they have for me each day. Today they ask you to alert you that there are many daily gifts from the Angels and that some of them…