Dawn is able to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels and bring through clear-channeled guidance regarding your life situations, purpose and answers to your immediate questions.
She has a Master's degree in Counseling and Psychology and is a skilled NLP Practitioner. She can help you work through an old issue, and clear it out safely once and for all.
Dawn Lianna’s style is fun, loving, soulful and supportive.
“Your intuition is the Voice of Your Soul speaking to you.” Dawn Lianna In this Newsletter: Message of Hope from the Hopi Elders. Dear friends, The Hopi Elder Prophesy Today I received a video that I really appreciate from a colleague, Valerie Donner, of The Ground Crew. She presented Kymberlee Ruff who shared her story…
Hi everybody, The Ascended Masters came through and asked me to share this with you. Message from The Masters We are in a multi-faceted experience that is difficult to explain because it has so many components to it. It has a component of political corruption that frustrates people because what is spoken is not all…
This Class is a Blast! Your Intuition will Improve. I Guarantee it! Develop Powerful Intuition A Beginning Intermediate Level Class Beginning Intermediate Intuition Development Training. Four Tuesday Evenings in June June 9 – 30. 7-8:30 p.m. PST Training will be on Zoom video- Zoom is free to use. We will be able to see…
Hi Everybody, Fine Tune Your Inner GPS Develop Powerful Intuition. This is a series of 4 classes on Tuesday evenings June 9 – 30 Tools for Building Strong, Powerful, Innate Intuition. Beginning and Intermediate Foundational Tools to use for the rest of your life. This class is fun, educational and insightful! Your intuition will improve or…
What is in My Heart and 2 Classes I am a formidable optimist, who believes in humanity and the greater good of all and yes these are challenging times indeed. Nature feels unstoppable to me. I feel vulnerable and human and surrendered to her and the Universe. We are in a huge transformation. This is…
In this Blog The Schumann Resonance Holding the Love Meditation throughout the Week Free Intuition Resources and Support for you. Develop Powerful Intuition Starting April 21. Dear friends, Thanks for Holding the World in the Light of Love. Thanks so, so much to each of you who are holding the world in a space of…
Beloveds, I don’t often share other people’s work in my blog yet I feel this is so important. I want to remind ourselves that there is indeed an influx of light on the planet and that we are in a time of Great Awakening. It might not look like this on the planet right now,…
TOOLS FOR EVOLUTION AND ASCENSION Intermediate to Advanced Intuition and Spirit Guide Training Five Thursday Evenings Starts May 14th through June 11th 6:30 – 8:30 PM PST Training will be on Zoom video- Zoom is free to use. Price is $150 for the class series. Click on the PayPal button below to join the…
Hi everyone, In this newsletter: Contact Your Spirit Guides Course Announcement Article: How can Your Spirit Guides Help You are this Time. Time to Read: Two or Three Minutes. For the last few months, I’ve been working vigilantly on updating my Spirit Guide Course. I am happy to say that I am finally finished. I’ve…
Hi everyone, Addressing Fear: Use Common Sense and Intuition We are indeed in challenging times. Fear is afoot. And SO IS LOVE. Our own Higher Selves have the codes of light we need to stay protected. What the powers that be don’t tell us, or yet realize, as they program us, is that we are…