Hi everyone,
Addressing Fear: Use Common Sense and Intuition We are indeed in challenging times. Fear is afoot. And SO IS LOVE. Our own Higher Selves have the codes of light we need to stay protected. What the powers that be don’t tell us, or yet realize, as they program us, is that we are bringing in the New Earth. As we stay in the higher vibration of 5d and beyond (love) we are protected. We are aligned in the light. The more of us that are clear and radiating peace, the sooner these times shall pass. Stay in your heart. Embrace the profound love there. Let Your Profound Intuition Guide You: You have the most amazing resource of love and intuitive guidance within you. It communicates with you inside your body 24-7. You know it well whether you recognize it consistently or not as it is part of you. It will guide you where and when to be. Trust what you get. Gentle nudges, strong pulls, amazing downloads with light codes, waves of light, the current of love nudges you all day long. You are an amazing being and radiating the truth of your being and staying in trust helps us all. You are the microcosm of the macrocosm. Keep your thoughts clear. Common Sense: My naturopath gave me this formula for keeping our immune system strong.
We are the Light: If you are having trouble staying afloat and out of fear, I can help you raise yourself up into your higher self vibration. Your higher self is not afraid of anything! We are the peaceful, awakened ones that we have been waiting for. If you are having any challenges clearing old issues or dealing with the planet or the Ascension energies I can certainly help you clear your path of the past and find your way to the light of now. I Guarantee My Work: I guarantee my work. In nearly 40 decades, I have never been asked for a refund on a session. Click Here for My Booking Calendar: If you can’t find a time on the calendar that works for you, send me an email and we’ll find a time for you. dawnlia@gmail.com. Love to you all! Dawn |