Article: Some Perks of Working with Your Spirit Guides.
Perk #1. Your Spirit Guides Are Your Family and Friends on the Other Side. They are e in service to you and your deep mission and want to help you stay on your soul’s path. Your soul’s path is the persistent one, the one that causes you to feel deeply excited and joyful and sometimes scares the heck out of you and yet you know you must do it.
Perk #2. Your Spirit Guides Know Your Destiny and are leading your toward it. They are in touch with your life mission and purpose. We may not be able to get all the details but we can get some information from them. They may not be able to tell you everything that has to play out, yet they help to keep you on that destined road.
Example: Sometimes we feel lost and without purpose in our lives. I have often found that the guides know how to help us find that again. Sometimes our purpose has less to do with what we are actually doing in the world and more to do with a generous quality or virtue.
For example, my personal purpose has to do with the development of compassion: my own compassion, and compassion in general. Other general purposes I have heard them mention in the past for people are: Beauty, joy, humor, kindness, devotion, practicality, clarification of boundaries, humility, patience, being a bridge for others, insight, inventions, lightheartedness, family connectors, intuition teachers, spiritual healers and leaders, purveyors of wisdom and love. Sometimes when we understand our general purpose, it helps us make specific life choices.
Perk #3. Guides are Persistent. Have you ever had a gnawing feeling in your belly that you needed to move forward to take a leap? That’s your intuition and your Spirit Guides nudging you to move forward.
Example: When I wanted to go to Grad School, I looked at a lot of Universities. There was one that I was attracted to that had a nighttime program but it was in L.A. My guides said they would take care of it and I was offered a job in LA without applying for anything. My guides helped to facilitate that.
Perk #4. Your Guides Can Help Your Clear Your Issues. Your guides are excellent helpers therapeutically. They know the root cause of an issue. When your guides help during a healing session, and take us to the root cause of an issue to clear it, you make greater progress.
Example: Many times during sessions, I have been blown away by the advice from my clients or my guides. They lead us right to the exact spot that we need to clear to clear up an issue. The huge advantage is that when we hit the bull’s-eye, long-standing issues clear up.
Perk #5. Guides Can Help Us Make Good Decisions. Sometimes we get anxious about the choices we need to make. We sometimes get emotional or unclear and foggy when we have decisions to make about things, such as moves or job and we lose track of our intuition. Receiving guidance can help us know what car to buy, who to date or not date, and how to deal with family issues. I am consistently blown away by the wisdom of their perspective.
Example: This week, I spent time helping a friend who really needed a car this week. We asked her guides and were lead right to a great car, the first car she drove. Together we were able to pull it right off Craig’s list by listening to guidance. I really wanted to get a different car as well. I looked on Craig’s list as well and all I got was really confused. I asked my Guides and their perspective was that I should keep my current car for now. I let go and felt a lot better.
Perk #6. Your Guides have Humor. I have found the humor of wisdom of our Guides to be of great benefit. They bring in a delightful session of energy and humor to our lives and session work.
My guides have caused me to chuckle many times on both things that are light-hearted and things that are far more serious. They help us see through different eyes.
Perk # 7. Getting to Know Your Guides Gives You Access to Their Wisdom 24-7. LIfe is different when you feel supported and guided. The lives of those folks who have learned how to hear their Spirit Guides consistently have been changed monumentally.
Example: I’ve been blessed to hear my guides my entire life. I’ve taught thousands of people to hear their inner voice. The stories of the change in their quality of life are mind-bending. I want that for anyone who wants it.
Love to you,
Dawn Lianna M.A.
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