Hi everyone, Would you like to strengthen your intuition with an easy exercise? Here’s an easy and free technique that you can use to support your intuitive connection. 1. Imagine a movie screen up high on the wall across from you. Placing it up high lifts your eyes in the socket, which has the powerful effect of helping you connect with the visual part of your brain. 2. Relax and request your deeper self to project a symbol for your intuition on the screen. Whatever shows up is correct. (Right now my own symbol is a humble pear!) 3. No matter what image comes to mind, imagine spinning your symbol in any direction that it is willing to go and spin it faster and faster. (Example: My pear is spinning clockwise at light speed.) 4. Spin it until our symbol feels ready slow down and become still, returning as a new symbol, one of enhanced luck and increased intuition. It will dissolve and come back as a new image. (My symbol is now a spinning top made of Gold light.) 5. Ask the new symbol for a message. My gold top suggests I get some early morning alone time in a place away from my house, each day for a couple of weeks to become more deeply attuned to myself. I love that! It sounds delicious, short term and reasonable. Have fun spinning your intuition. Feel free to email me your results! I’d love to hear them. Love Dawn