Time to Read: About 2 minutes
Dear friends,
I want to share the experience we enjoyed in last Sunday’s Contact Your Angels Class.
- The experience was deep, loving and profound. It was nourishing and refreshing and felt like drinking from a well of fresh pure water.
Something that surprised me once again was how strongly and gently the Angels took the lead.
I slipped easily in trance and using the intuition allowed the Angels to carefully and lovingly guide us on 3 journeys. We journeyed and journaled three times in an hour and a half. It seemed like they bent time. We dipped in and out of a deep loving state, staying in touch with our Angels.
This deepens our ability to connect. It increases the ability of our neuro-pathways to go deeply and connect more often. It’s like walking the same trail more than once. The path becomes, familiar the more frequently you travel it.
- The Angels walked us through an exercise called the “Dome of Light”.This is the practice of sealing your aura and your home in a dome of light.
This time the Angels added a new component. Once our dome of light was up and bright, they invited us to imagine writing words of intention on the walls. They suggested writing words like love, health, well-being and prosperity on the light filled walls.
- Another wonderful strategy that came through was a new magic wand. The Angels first guided us into the Angelic realm, the consciousness of pure and unconditional love. The Angels then gave each of us a magic wand to dip into the consciousness. They then invited us to intuitively share that consciousness with someone else with a light touch of the wand. We shared it with a friend, a situation and the entire world. Gosh, that felt great!
- The Angels reminded us as they so often do, that when we invite them into our lives and situations, it increases their stewardship to help us.They too look forward to a deeper invitation into our personal lives.
May you have a very love filled day.
Love Dawn
P.S. You are invited to join us to Connect with Your own Guardian Angels on First Sundays of June and July: June 2 and July 7. Each of these classes is a stand-alone class. You can take 1 class or you can take all 3. Each time is unique.
Link to First Sunday’s Angel Class Here