Howdy Folks,
We each have a steady primary team of Angels, Master Spirt Guides and Nature Helpers with us. These are some of your best friends in Spirit World.
We also have a much larger team, in fact a HUGE team of Master Guides, Angels and Nature Helpers with us! You and your primary team can call on them at any time. They are a library of experts on any topic!
There is an infinite supply of helpers ready to be called into any situation on our planet and yet we do have to call on them! Once you invite them in, they start working.
Let’s collectively call them into any and all challenging situations on this Earth, from war zones to parched places, to the cleaning of the oceans and the atmosphere, to our personal lives, and the lives of others and to the awakening of the consciousness of humanity.
They may not look or feel to you like pictures you have seen of Angels. They might look like orbs or whips of light. You light sense them through feeling or sound or just know they are there.
We are ALL LOVE underneath, no matter how hard it is to see that. The sooner we bless and realize that, in each of us, the better.
Love Dawn and the Angels