Article: Free Spring Equinox Reading
Time to Read: About 2-3 minutes Happy Spring Equinox I pulled some cards today to ask about the Energies of Spring and who wanted to come forward to support us. From the Universal Wisdom Oracle Cards: Wisdom. The cards say, “You are a wise and beautiful old soul. You have taken the right course of action or responded in a just way. Sometimes the best thing for all is to have the strength to say “No”. Have the wisdom to stand in your own truth with love in your heart. Stay flexible like the willow, and yet remain well rooted inside. Continue to live and respond through love and truth”. How beautiful! I asked my Angels and Spirit Guides if they wanted to add to this. These are their words. “Use your inner wisdom to listen inside. Decide to Trust Yourself More. It really can be and is a conscious decision to listen more deeply inside. When you don’t know what to do, wait. Pause, reflect, breathe and be still. Wait to be guided. The more often you are still and do nothing, the easier the guidance shall come for it is in those times that you can truly attune to us. The answer may not be forthcoming in the moment. Watch for it in your quiet and peace, in messages from others and in your dreams. We so love you.” May you have a very beautiful Spring. Notice the little flowers are peaking their heads from the ground! Love Dawn P.S. If you wish to share your experience with this message, please feel free to email me. I would love to hear from you.