Exercise: Get to Know Your Intuitive Signature
- Take a few breaths and ground your energy. Allow your body to relax. As you drift inside, remember a time when your intuition was flowing freely. Choose an experience where your intuition was correct and you followed it.
- Go back in time and slow the experience down. Go back to when you first noticed the intuition forming. Go slowly, to find the moment where it started.
- In slow motion, notice the details of the experience. First move through the entire experience with the focus of your attention on your feelings. Notice your feelings moving slowly. What are the qualities of the feeling? Are your feelings moving fast or slow? Do they feel warm or cold? Notice where you feel it in your body. Go through the experience and notice when you decided to follow your intuitive hit. Feel the decision. Where do you feel that in your body?
- Take a rainbow shower. Relax.
- Go back to the beginning of the experience again. Now put the focus of your attention on your eyes. Look up toward the sky. Go slowly. Did you get a picture? If you saw a picture, where did you see it? Was the picture in black and white or color? Go all the way through to the decision and look at the images around the decision. If you don’t get any pictures, that is ok, just look without judging or forcing. Keep a soft, easy focus.
- Go back to the beginning of the experience, putting the focus of attention on your ears.Move your eyes ear to ear. If you heard a sound which ear was it in? Was it a voice, a tone, a gong, a bird or a whisper? Go through the experience in slow motion, listening. Notice the point where you made a decision to follow your intuition. Did you have a thought or hear anything?
- Imagine clearing yourself and taking a rainbow shower.
- Now go through the experience again focusing on the smells and tastes. Taste and smell your intuitive experience. What are the qualities of energy in your nose and mouth? Pay attention to the point of your decision to follow through.
- Journey back through the entire experience, and notice all the details in slow motion. Notice the decision point. Putting this all together will give you your intuitive signature.You can revisit other past intuitive experiences until your intuitive signature becomes very familiar.