Hi everyone,
We had a beautiful session with our group meditation last Saturday. I choose to share some messages that came in. The messages were simple, valuable and profound. I know many people who believe in the presence of Angels and many who do not. As I am a person who has communed with them since early childhood, I feel I have benefitted and still have maintained a grounded working presence in this world.
I want to share what the Angels said about self-judgment, intuition and intention. The Angels invited us to look into our own hearts and notice that (for the most part) we carry a loving intention. This loving intention is the foundation on which we live and take actions through life.
Sometimes we judge ourselves, when we don’t have the most positive experience or when we get frustrated with something. We might wish we could be perfect, not get angry or experience such strong emotions. Our Spirit Guides remind us that’s part of the human experience. Those emotions are human feelings and we’re expected and allowed to feel the full spectrum of human emotion. Yet sometimes we are hard on ourselves for our imperfections.
The Angels suggested we use “intention” as a barometer of our success and how we are doing. Even when we make a mistake we are doing our best and moving from positive intentions. If that is the basis on which we “approve or disapprove” of ourselves then we can be kinder and gentler with ourselves more easily.
If your intention is pure, there is no need to judge yourself. Many barometers of success that we’ve been taught, are external such as how we’re supposed to behave or how much money we make. When we check our heart and use “our good intention” or “the pureness of our hearts” as the barometer for our success, that is empowering, intuitive and loving.
Consider the statements: I am love and I am loving life through my intention. I am a loving being and my good intentions show me that. There is no need to judge myself anymore and I live from a pure heart. My intentions are positive therefore my life is positive and successful as it is. I am love.
Love to you,
Dawn Lianna M.A.