Hi Everyone,
Recently, I had the profound opportunity to visit the Painted Hills of Oregon. They are so beautiful and the energy is ancient. This archeological wonder while silent, spoke volumes. I’d love to share a little of what I heard psychically while standing there.
“We are a message of impermanence. All things change continually, even when you cannot see this change. We represent the sands of time, like the rings of a tree; we are the rings of Earth and the many eras of which your Earth has gone through already.
With this very wide-angle lens, view your life. While ultimately valuable, all the little things you worry about and are concerned with become microscopic in comparison. They are also microscopic in relationship to the immensity of your inner being, as you well know when you sit in the infinity of your SELF.
Think of something that you are worried about and stare at the mountain. Watch as it becomes smaller and smaller and dissolves into the great nothing.”
As I did that, my worries faded away. The picture doesn’t do the immensity justice and yet perhaps you too can feel the power of this connect to Source.
Crack the Prosperity Code Class
I will be offering my very popular “Crack the Prosperity Code” class by Zoom on August 28. It will be in 2 parts from 10-12 and 1 -3 p.m. PST. It is $150 for the class and I have room for only 12 people. This class teaches you how to change your limiting beliefs in powerful core beliefs that really serve you and it works!
The flyer and further write up will be in next week’s newsletter. If you are interested and want me to save you a seat, please email me at dawnlia@gmail.com. I’ll send you a link to pay and your seat will be reserved.
Enjoy your journey!
Love to you!
Dawn Lianna MA