We are at a momentous time on Earth, a time of tremendous challenge and also of a great awakening. It is a time when each of us across the world has been given the incentive to move within, to put more focus on our inward life than our outer life. It is a call to move deep into the core of our being, where we connect to our soul.
This is a time when we are called to observe the world, pay attention, to follow health and safety guidelines, even if we disagree with some of them. This is a time of great political disruption and social unrest and a time when we need to cooperate and care for each other. It is a time to get clear and nurture what is new and growing inside of you. This may not be completely clear yet, as we don’t really know how things are going to unfold on the outer.
With deep uncertainly in the world, we have also been asked to shelter in place. This is also a Spiritual call as we are also invited to go within to connect to the shelter of our being, our true self. It’s a chance to be in that quiet place of our being and to truly connect, to listen to your Self, your intuition, and your soul.
This is a time let go of old vestiges of hurt, pain, shame, blame and addiction and to help others. Old things may have come to the surface to be cleared. These might be memories, anger, pain, shame and grief that you have not fully processed. It’s time to let go of what hasn’t been released as the energies are increasing for the new. We are in a life-changing shift and the more present you are, the more you are listening and attuned to your inner being, your intuition and your gifts, the better.
If you have old habits to change, it’s time to address them. You may have been getting nudges to move past these things. Some may have increased the use of their crutches during the pandemic. You don’t want this to go on too long. Your soul is calling.
Pay attention to the whispers of the new call. The energy is coming to embrace the creativity that has been nudging. Things are shifting. Stay present, witness, and be in neutral until you are clearly called to move. As you sit with yourself and your being, your choices will be clear, guided and aligned. There may be a rush on the outer but your inner being is silent, still and infinite. Your guidance is profound, simple, straight forward when you are calm in your being.
Scheduling With Dawn Lianna
I recently announced that I’d be coming off Sabbatical in the last two weeks of January. My January calendar filled up immediately. I am now booking early February. I will be booked further out than before because I will be seeing fewer clients and because I am called to change how I work. I am no longer taking crisis calls. I am working with people who truly want to work with their spiritual guidance and get to know their guide team. Expect to book two or three weeks in advance for appointments at this time.
I encourage people who want to work with their team on an ongoing basis to book one session a month on a steady date and time to make scheduling easy for both of us and to be sure I’m available. You can do so by email at dawnlia@gmail.com. I am not currently using the online calendar.
So much love,