We have come to the long awaited Dec 21, 2020 solstice. This is the day when Jupiter and Saturn align together and move into Aquarius. This is a conjunction that has power and is affected by our thoughts.
There is an ancient prophecy and today a ceremony happens in Uluru. The elders say this is a special day where the ancient Pleidian Crystals inside the mountain will be activated through prayer to help our evolution and help mankind awaken to love. Google Uluru Prophecy.
They need our help in holding the highest good of all. These energies are affected by thought so as you enjoy this day, please watch your thoughts to hold the highest and best for all. It’s clear to many of us that we are all one. It’s time for the world to hopefully realize this simple and profound truth as well. I pray that we may all realize and know the love that we are.
Love Dawn