Finding Forgiveness
Reading time: 3 minutes Hi Everyone, Sometimes forgiveness comes easily and automatically. Other times we struggle to forgive ourselves and others. Currently many of us are finding that we have a lot to forgive. This ranges from human behavior, to disagreements with the Universe, to our sense of justice for all. Here is a strategy that might help you. Forgiveness Exercise 1. Identify someone or a situation where you still feel confused hurt or angry toward someone or something that causes you pain. 2. Imagine a movie screen on the opposite side of the room on the wall. 3. Place an imaginary plexiglass or light shield from floor to ceiling and wall to wall in between you and the movie screen. This creates dissociation and helps the emotional body stay neutral and feel protected. 4. Ask yourself: What was the person’s positive intention behind the behavior? What limitations caused the behavior? What might you be learning or what are you learning from this experience? 5. What resources did you and the other person need? (Empathy, boundaries, compassion, self-esteem, understanding, wisdom, faith.) 6. Identify a time when you had the needed resources and step into that feeling. Make your perception of the resources very strong until you can really feel them. 7. Staying in touch with your resources, imagine handing each person a copy of the resources. Watch yourself and the others recreate the original situation with the new resources. 9 Find a time when you fully forgave someone and create a strong feeling of forgiveness and imagine sending it into the situation. While this may not completely take care of your issue, it is a good step in the right direction. I Guarantee my Work! If you are having trouble with forgiveness or another issue, I can help you. If you are not satisfied that you have made real progress, I will gladly give you your money back. In 35 years, I have not been asked for a refund yet. My appointment calendar is at this link. If you don’t see anything on the calendar that works with your schedule, please email me and we’ll find a time that works. Love to you, Dawn Lianna M.A. Feel free to share this forward to friends or on social media.