Message from the Masters
When we connect with Master level guides their guidance is wise and loving. They are warm, compassionate and understanding. To read this message, open our heart and trust your own evolution and response to see if this is a fit for you.
I sat to channel in this message today. I found it to be an interesting perspective.
We offer you hope and love in your evolutionary shift. We want to give you a metaphor that you may already be familiar with. Your planet is in an evolutionary leap. She is updating and upgrading herself daily. As a result of this shift from the galactic level, there are changes on the planet that are an evolutionary leap for humanity.
Let’s imagine that out in the stars, your Earth Mother has received an upgrade, an update, a leap in consciousness. She has raised her vibration and moved closer to the Great Central Sun, the source of all of life and all of love. As a result of her own shift in consciousness, the emotions of hatred and divisiveness can no longer stay or live on her.
Because this emotion has been on her surface a very long time, she has to cleanse and purge these emotions from her energy field. In the process those that hate and divide must be seen and revealed in order to be purged. Because many people are “wearing the masks of illusion and separation”, we must begin to wear those masks on the outer to make them obvious to all. “We are in illusion” when we think we are separate from anyone. No one is truly ever 6 feet apart.
some of the mottos that have surfaced during this time are: “We are all in this together”, “Black Lives Matter” and “All lives matter”. This is the evolutionary leap that is necessary for humanity to recognize they are one and have always been one.There is no separation in truth between any species, animal, vegetable, mineral, human.
Can you imagine if a red rose refused to grow in a garden with a pink or a white rose? Can you imagine if two kittens or two puppies from the same litter thought they weren’t brother and sister because of their fur was a different color? It is time dear beloved humanity for you to fully step up and love each other. Good things are coming from this. Good things will come from this.
We recognize there is hardship for many of you Take responsibility for whatever you are going through, for in truth it is a change of direction for you. Sit with the change. Breathe into the change. Ask what this shift is guiding your toward. Where are you to open your own mind and heart more? Where are you to stop judging anyone, even those whose behaviors you see as foul? These too are humans struggling. What new direction is the truth for you? What shift does your inner being ask you to make?
This change in your personal life only appears to have been created from the outside in.That is actually not true. Change comes from the inside out. This is the shift of the ages that you agreed to participate in. This is a time of great awakening and ascension. Find your way to be the peace that you already are.
Be love. Radiate peace.The shift will continue and in fact, it is speeding up. Stay in balance. Find the middle way.
Love to you all!