Hi everyone,
Making Wise Decisions
Decision-making is a skill that you learn unconsciously from your family of origin. In infancy, parents are responsible for choices for their children. As children grow and learn they begin to make more choices and take responsibility for themselves. We typically model this process from our parents.
Decisions involve thinking, talking, intuiting and searching for information related to a challenge and take time to complete. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself enough time. Do not expect yourself to know the answers immediately. Things will unfold gradually on their own anyway.
Whole Brain Decision-Making Strategy – Intuitive and Logical
1. Define your problem or goal and gather plenty of information. We make the best decisions when we have plenty of information and let our intuition, logic and feelings guide us.
2. Find three or more possible solutions. With only two solutions we can get stuck vacillating back and forth. A third option, gives us something to compare to.
3. Call on your Intuition. Tune into the infinite possible outcomes for each solution and choice. Open it up to the field of infinite possibility.
4. Visual Strategy: Movie Screen Technique. Imagine you are in a theatre. Put three options on your imaginary movie screen simultaneously, so you can see them side-by-side and compare them to each other. Notice which one lights up, is bigger, moves forward or is more prominent. Add the field of infinite possibility and see if anything else surfaces that you had not thought of yet.
5. Auditory Strategy: Ask your Guides. Tune into them, ask questions. They can help you. Listen. Use your inner ears, and open even the glands in your neck and throat chakra to listen more deeply and feel into the situation. Remain mindful and neutral.
6. Kinesthetic Strategy: Go Down the Long Timeline. With any decision you can feel into the short and long term repercussions of each choice. Follow each possible outcome down the imagined timeline for a year or two. This will yield new information.
7. Olfactory and Gustatory: This might sound odd yet take a moment to smell or taste each choice. The senses of smell and taste often hold information that is hidden in a situation.
When You Need Help!
If you have done what you can to make a decision and are still conflicted, consider a session. I can hear your guides and look down your timeline and help you see the possible outcomes of each of the paths in front of you. Looking at the energy of each path can help you decide if it brings more darkness or more light into your life. I can help you with double binds and inner conflicts that need resolved in other to move the decision forward, making sure what you are about to do is indeed VERY WISE.
I guarantee my work. If you are ever less than satisfied, I will give you your money back. In 4 decades, I have not been asked to return money for session work.
Love to you,
Dawn and the Guides