Hello friends,
This morning I woke up with a beautiful vision. I saw a string of interconnected lights moving across the world. The lights were souls living here as people holding the light, living a life that reflects divinity. I know it takes effort sometimes to remain at peace and yet you are innately at peace. You are that light of love.
For that I thank you. I thank you for all your unseen and seen efforts to be the love you are. I thank you for your kindnesses. Thank you for being one who does the inner work. I see you. I know who you are. I recognize you and I honor you.
Happy Holy Days. Love Dawn
I Received This Message From my Guides:
Dear ones,
As you move through the end of this year, notice that it is also the end of a decade and the end of an era. You may realize that the old systems are falling down. It was built on a false foundation of power over instead of joy and care for all.
You are a person of heart. Any person who comes from their heart comes from love and cares about others. While the world is in a frenzy, stay calm. Cultivate a strong center. Cultivate the peace within. Move from your core, your womb of guidance. If you are guided to share a gift, share. If you are guided to retreat, please do.
If we were each living in the natural cycle of the season, we would be in hibernation like the mighty bear. As you hibernate your breathe in rest and relaxation.
Some of you work full time and are not able to hibernate as much as you want. To stay in the rhythm of the natural cycle as much as possible remember to rest often, to listen to your body and to follow through on what it requests. This is a time for self-care. Can you actually rearrange your psyche in such a way as to put your self-care first?
We want you to fill your cup. Working from a full cup is key. When your cup has gone dry, you are not of much earthly good. To be a full servant of the divine, you must be rested. Being a light worker or a peacemaker requires time inside your own being. Choose easy. Choose what makes your heart sing and with that we say good day and Merry Christmas.
Love Dawn and the Guides
Dawn Lianna M.A.
503-515-6798 landline
503-515-6798 cell