Who Are Your Spirit Guides?
Spirit guides are your guardians and helpers in the spirit world. They are with you at all times. They love you deeply and have agreed to help you stay on track during this lifetime.
Your Spirit Guides are often members of your soul family who have reached a level of mastery. They are aware of your life mission and purpose and are here to help you fulfill your mission. The deeper your contact with them and the more you develop your intuitive abilities, the easier it is for them to help you.
Sometimes people ask me f deceased relatives and friends who have crossed over can be guides as well. The answer is yes. Sometimes a person who has passed over has a special love for us, and will come back to help us work out things here. Sometimes these friends and relatives are at a level of mastery and able to be a really profound help. Other times they are simply part of your family and because you knew them here in this incarnation, they can help in a unique way.
In some kinds of spiritual work, such as in the spiritualist church, the purpose of mediumship is to prove life on the other side. A medium or intuitive will often communicate with a deceased friend or relative and ask that person on the other side to bring through something that will help you recognize them.
How Can You Connect More Often?
Connecting more frequently with your guides starts with willingness and intention, as well as developing your knowledge and abilities. By setting the intention to listen and trust and be aware of their presence, you are inviting them in, in a deeper way.
If you want to know about your guides and learn who they are and connect with them. I offer sessions to help you meet your guides, know their names and purposes in your life as well as receive their guidance. You can sign up for those here. I am also offering courses online starting in February. I hope to have the details to you soon and if you are interested please let me know so you can get the early bird discount.
I wish you well and so much love,