Hi everyone,
I want to share some of what we received and learned at the Mt. Shasta Retreat. First of all, it was powerful, loving, intense and fun. As a co-leader I hoped to hold energy, remain strong and humble and help everyone feel safe and supported as things come up. I hoped to have the wisdom and experience of me inside me to be able to strengthen and fully support the people in the training We had 22 people with a total of 24 counting myself and Laura. We all thrived!
It was one of the most loving and wonderful experiences of my life. Laura and I had worked for a few weeks to bring in the material for the training. We knew we were also going to channel much of it. Spirit came through loud and clear.
The main messages came in about living in the moment in love and ways to specifically share that energy in the world. It came in strong downloads of energy. We did exercises to open our gifts and intuition and expand our consciousness. We talked about our purpose and our lives, we worked on our challenges and forgiveness. We went on many guided journeys, cleared old stories, cried some tears, laughed many laughs, hugged when appropriate and sent so much love to the world.
Some of us went to the mountain in the daylight, some went to waterfalls, some went into town to the crystal shop or took space. That mountain was gorgeous during the day and the sun was out. At night, we all went to the mountain together. It turned very cold and rained on us. Then an incredible energy came around us that looked and felt like mana. As we carpooled back down the mountain, it started to snow. Prior to that, the mountain had the least snow any of us had seen in years.
We were blessed to be able to anchor in the first Light Cathedral. The Light Cathedral is an experience that is beyond words for me. It was so loving and so empowering that I’ve been both blissed out and purging for the last week. It’s an energy of love from the Ascended Masters that has been activated into the grid for all of humanity to share. We dedicated it to everyone and also in specifics, through the water, the power lines, the cell phone towers and every profession and position. It’s a love offering available to all. If you want to specifically receive the energy, sit for a moment and ask for the Light Cathedral’s light and love to come to you. It doesn’t matter if you know what it is. It’s a multi-dimensional healing gift from spirit. We began anchoring the energy into our communities.
Laura channeled in the Ladies of the Roses as well as some other Ascended Masters and Light Cathedral energy. I channeled the Masters and guided a meditation into the City of Telos inside the mountain where we received healing.
Spirit is amazing. Community is a powerful anchor for the love that is here for us to share.
The Lodging was gorgeous, the food was fantastic. The location was beautiful and the mountain was amazing. I hope you all get to have such a great experience someday.
I know beyond a doubt we are all made of love. I am filled with gratitude.
NEXT LIGHT CATHEDRAL WORKSHOP is being planned for Iona, Scotland in May 2019. Wow! I hope you can join us if you are called.
Love Dawn