Hi there,
I wrote recently about working with Spirit Guides, Angels and Nature Helpers. When I work with my Spirit Guides and Angels, do readings for others, or teach classes, I call in all three levels of beings because of the accuracy of the information and the guidance increases. Spirit has a great overarching view and Nature is Spirit in form. Nature helps make the information practical and useful for you in your daily life.
Your guides are your loving helpers, part of your soul family. They are with you, even if you are not yet able to hear them. It is likely that some of your Guides have been with you since birth, and you can have changes in your guide team at times in your life. Guide changes often happen at times of great transition, such as changing a career, moving to a new home, beginning or ending a big project or a change in a relationship. Your Guides help you align with your soul’s purpose.
Your Guides and Angels Are Aligned with Your Skill Sets & Purpose
Each person’s Spirit Guides are closely aligned with the person’s interests and skills sets. If you are an artist you will have guides that love art. A healer will have healing guides and a spiritual lawyer who is working for the good of all will have a just, balancing team.
Speak Respectfully
When you are talking to your Spirit Guides, be respectful. Know that calling them is like a two-way phone call. If you and I were on the line and we had static we would tell each other. If we had a good connection, we might mention that as well.
It’s similar with Spirit. When you hear, sense or feel them, let them know they are coming in loud and clear. When you don’t feel then connect, speak respectfully, let them know and ask them to work with you.
Ask One Question at a Time
Wait to ask a second question until you sense the first answer. If you go too quickly you can get confused. If you ask three yes and no questions and you get a yes, you may not know which question they have answered. Give yourself enough time to wait and listen and sense the answer to your first question.
Use This Easy Access Tool
I have said this before and I’ll say it again: Ask easy yes and no questions! We are each very familiar with an internal sense of yes and no. You know where you live and what your name is. Those are easy questions and elicit a feeling of yes immediately. The same is true for a no. You know your name probably isn’t Mortimer Snerd and you probably don’t live in Timbuktu.
It’s easy to access the feeling of no. Asking yes and no questions is a simple way to get a lot of information. You ask and then check your body for your sense of yes or no. That often opens the door to more information coming in. Very advanced intuitives are savvy too and use this principle. It’s an easy access tool.
Are You Interested in a Session?
I would love to introduce you to your spirit team, tell you their names and purposes and what they want you to know at this time. If that is something you want to experience, this can be helpful and inspiring. Many clients have told me that being introduced to their guides helped them make sense of their life.
People often feel more connected to their Spirit Guide team, after just an hour of hearing what their personal guides want them to know. After being introduced to their Guides, hearing their names and learning about their purposes, people often feel more comfortable, clear, with answers to some urgent questions and deeply loved and blessed. You can book a reading or healing session here.
Pricing: My prices remain the same as they have been for years $65 a half hour and $125 an hour unless you are at an older price and grand-mothered in. If you start at this rate, you will remain at this rate even if I raise my prices.
I Am Grateful for These Testimonials
“Connecting with Dawn and the Angels who are providing support for me at this time was truly enlightening. I feel humbled and blessed to be in their presence and from what I have learned I have clarity and a sense of comfort and peace. I know more about who I am, where I came from, why I am here and what is ahead. Your gifts are truly wonderful. Thank you.” K.M.
“Dawn was spot on with answering my questions and offering guidance. Consider making an appointment with Dawn if you have questions regarding your direction or if you need guidance and support for your current situation.” C.M.
“I’ve known Dawn for many years and I’ve had many sessions with her. Dawn’s gifts of getting insight into my life situations have been extremely helpful. I am so grateful to have her in my life. I highly recommend her work.” D. H.
Heads Up! How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides Course!
Newly revised online course coming soon. Stay Attuned! This course is awesome. I had some amazing help putting it together!
Lots of love to you!