When I was a little girl, I was keenly aware of the fairies that live inside of the flowers. I used to like to walk up to a flower such as a rose or Azalea (my mother’s favorites in her garden) and watch as the fairy darted inside. It would play a game of hide and seek with me.
I would go up and peek in there with my little kid eye and the fairy would peek out at me and we would have a little conversation. It was a very vivid experience for me as a child and at that time, no one had ever suggested to me that it wasn’t real. At that time, I had no inhibition in my ability to see them and to commune. Now, with my life in the city and my years of programming, it takes a little more effort on my part, to make the connection, but it’s still there. My intuition is still very strong.
I know that the nature spirits love when we commune with them. Have you ever noticed that when you go walking in nature that you automatically feel better. You can also constantly tell the nature spirits what kind of problems you are having and invite them to work on those things with you consciously. When I converse with them about the challenges of my life that they talk back with me and explain things from a really unique and fun perspective. Use your inner voice and listen in quietly. Even if you don’t hear them, this process can still enhance the good feeling that you get when you are out in nature because it gives them more permission to work with you.
One of my My Favorite Things!
One of my favorite things is to talk to people’s guides in a reading. If you are inclined, I would love to introduce you to your spirit team, tell you their names and purposes and what they want you to know at this time. If that is something you want to experience, I promise you that it would be fun, inspiring and educational. You can book here.
Lots of love today!