Hi there my fine friends,
We all know there is a lot going on in the world today and it can really get us stirred up. Sometimes we need a way to practice forgiveness. I wanted to share some things with you that work well for me when I need to forgive myself or someone else. One of my favorite strategies for forgiveness including forgiving yourself is Hooponopono. Here is an article on How to Use Hooponopono for Forgiveness. Another of my favorite ways to practice forgiveness is to use the following exercise that I teach in my classes and use during my Healing Sessions and Spiritual Psychic Readings. Forgiveness Exercise 1. Identify a situation where you feel anger toward someone or yourself and wish that you could forgive. Intend forgiveness. 2. Create an imaginary movie screen across the room from you. Imagine a plexiglass shield between you and the movie screen. Imagine the situation where you wish for forgiveness on the movie screen. 3. Observe the situation for a moment. Consider the possibility that the other person or you were hurting. Down underneath each person may have been in need of some love. 4. Notice the limitations that caused the behavior in the situation. Wonder about the resources, such as love, empathy, boundaries, compassion, healing, self-esteem and forgiveness that might have helped you or another to act in a kinder way. 5. Identify a different time when you had the resources that were needed by each of you. Imagine sending that feeling (love, empathy, forgiveness boundaries) to each person there. The more you can feel the resources in your body, the more effective the exercise will be. 6. Imagine each of you responding in the original situation with the new resources. How would the situation look, sound and be different? Feel that. Imagine yourselves interacting in a new resourceful way. 7. Remember another time when you were able to forgive someone and step into that feeling. Relive the feeling of forgiveness. Imagine sending forgiveness to each of you. 8. Do this until you can imagine each of you responding in a new way. Use your intuition. Even a small change will make a difference. Imagine looking into each person’s eyes and saying, “I forgive you”. This exercise can be done many times. Sometimes it works right away and sometimes it needs to repeated to get to a place of true forgiveness. I have practiced this exercise many times and have found it to be of benefit. The more you can step into the feeling of forgiveness the better it works. Again here is the link to my post on How to Use Hooponopono for forgiveness. Love to you, Dawn Lianna MA |