Article: The Vulnerability and Strength of Love
Time to Read: 3 minutes Course: How to Connect to Your Spirit Guides – Open until Friday Hi everyone, I’m glad you are here. Welcome to the new people on the list this week. Today seems like a good time to reflect on the strength and vulnerability of love and the power of connection. First, remember the source of love is inside of you. I’ve been reflecting on Brene Brown’s work on vulnerability and connection. The following is adapted from and credited to her work. Connection is the ability to relate to others in an authentic way and gives purpose and meaning to our lives. We are hard wired to crave connection. Yet, we are so human. When researchers asked people about love, they spoke of heartbreak. When they asked people about belonging, they spoke of feeling excluded. We often tell the story of connection through the story of disconnection. The vulnerable human carries the fear that there may be something about us, that if other people knew it, we wouldn’t be worthy of love. This shame is the fear that says I’m not good enough, “fill in the blank” enough. To connect with someone, we have to allow ourselves to be seen. People who struggle for love and connection do not believe they are worthy of love. Wholehearted people, live from a deep sense of worthiness. They have the courage to be seen as imperfect and the compassion to be kind to themselves first and then to others. Sometimes we try to numb our vulnerability when it’s better to breathe our way through it. The problem is you can’t selectively numb your emotions. It doesn’t work to say I only want to feel love and not feel fear, loss and disappointment. When you numb one emotion you numb your other feelings. When we know we are already enough, we are even kinder and gentler to the people around us and to ourselves. The closest thing we have to a guarantee is that in our own heart is an infinite supply of love. When tapped that love source will supply you with enough love to last the rest of your life and the more you share it, the more it grows. Happy Valentines Day everybody. I hope you are feeling connected and if not, please connect to the source within and then perhaps call a friend and offer a connection. Sending you so much love, Love Dawn Dawn Lianna M.A. How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides- Online Course P.S. Registration for the deliciously fun and informative “How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides” Course is still open until Friday, Feb 17 at 6 p.m. It’s going so well and it’s only $60 for the 6 lesson audio and written course with daily discussion area. It’s just started. We are having fun and learning a lot together. If you want to know more, Here is the information page. And if you are ready to join us, Here is the enrollment page.