Hi Everyone,
It is really wonderful to be able to clearly hear your inner voice. There are some secrets to doing this. They are keys that may seem obvious and easy when you hear them, and yet they are the essentials to being in tune.
The Keys to Listening to Your Soul
1. Quiet Your Mind. First and foremost, you must quiet your mind. Sounds simple and easy, and yet during the course of a day, as we get busy, the mind gets going. The mind will tell you all kinds of things and direct you in all kinds of directions. The mind is seldom quiet all by itself. Learning to quiet the mind is done in meditation practice. It can also be done by using a mantra. A mantra is a key word or phrase, often the name of God in any language, which focuses the mind on a single thought. Focusing on your breath and paying attention to your breathing is another easy way to still your wandering mind.
2. Be present in your body. Your intuition is a very body centered phenomena. Your intuition communicates through pictures, feelings, sounds, tastes, smells and inner knowing. It uses the inner side of your 5 senses to communicate with you.
3. What does it feel like? When your mind is quiet and you are body centered, you will notice the intuition flowing. It feels like you, yourself, your true self communicating to you. Pay attention to that feeling in your body right now.
4. How do you recognize it? By remembering past experiences where you have felt it move you. Remember times you have followed through. Then pay attention throughout the day. Stop and listen. Stop and feel your body. Stop moving for a minute or two and close your eyes. Notice your breath.
5. Think again! If you think you don’t have time to do this, think again. You can use your bathroom time, your lunch break or any other recess to calm yourself. If you only have one minute, use one minute. Time yourself. See how long it takes to slow down your mind and listen. I’ll bet you can do in only a minute or two of clock time.
6. Use frequency as a tool. The more often you remember to stop and listen to the quiet whispers in your body, heart and soul the more you will amp up the volume on your inner voice and become more and more able to hear the whispering calling of your soul.
Lots of love,
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor
Portland, Oregon and Worldwide by Phone