Hi everyone,
Here are some helpful tools to develop your intuition and be your own best intuitive/psychic.
Understand how your intuition works
Your intuition is an amazing tool. It’s right there inside you 24-7. Not everyone listens to it, but once you know it’s true value and how it works, you will crave to hear it with all your might.
• Get present and grounded
Being really grounded and present helps a lot. Intuition doesn’t come from the land of daydreams, though you might catch it during one, it comes from presence as it comes from within. The more present you are, the more likely you are to catch its clues.
• Know the types of psychic messages
The primary signals from your intuition urge you to move forward or call you to step back. When you understand how these signals feel, and understand the signature of each type of message you can catch and use them consistently.
• Get clear, reliable, consistent intuitive answers
Your intuition is always there, generating from your inner being. When you are present you can catch it consistently. It’s already reliable and clear. Your job is to catch it moving through you.
• Anchor self-trust in a whole new way
Trusting yourself is a wonderful feeling. Most of us haven’t been taught HOW To trust ourselves. We think that it is some muscle that if exerted strongly enough, we eventually gain it. It’s not. It’s much easier to trust yourself consistently and follow through on our intuition than most of us think. You can learn more about this in my book, The 8 Keys to Powerful Intuition.
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor
Portland, Oregon and Worldwide by Phone