Your mouth and taste buds are a powerful intuitive tool. They can help you with your intuition in a big way. The taste of a situation is as real and as informative as your feelings about something. They give you another pathway to the energy of your answer and inner voice.
Here are some examples of intuitive taste responses that others have received for a “yes” answer.
A sweet taste like honey
Salty taste
More saliva
A sweet feeling of flow in the mouth
Homemade pie! Yum!
Here are some examples of intuitive taste responses that others have received for “no” answer.
Cotton mouth
Sour taste
Bad taste
Burned toast
Bitter flavor
Dry or fuzzy mouth
A chalky feeling in the throat or mouth
A bad taste in the mouth
Have you ever heard the expression, that leaves a bad taste in my mouth? Well that is your intuition speaking.
All the best,
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor, Portland Oregon