This is a 13 minute meditation and it starts right when you click on it. So get comfy and sit down to meet Archangel Metatron.
For the whole Course “Bring On Miracles with the Archangels Course”Click Here.
At the time of this posting the course is still available on a sliding scale starting at $10.00. There are meditations with many Archangels in there and lots of beautiful content and Angel stories. You can get a copy here.
Dawn is able to connect with your Spirit Guides and Angels and bring through clear-channeled guidance regarding your life situations, purpose and answers to your immediate questions.
She has a Master's degree in Counseling and Psychology and is a skilled NLP Practitioner. She can help you work through an old issue, and clear it out safely once and for all.
Dawn Lianna’s style is fun, loving, soulful and supportive.