Hi there,
Your guides are friends and helpers in the spirit world. They are members of our soul family who are not incarnating right now. Master level guides are beings that travel with us, love us deeply and have our best interests at heart. Most of us appear to have at least two or three main guides.
A master level guide is wise and loving. They are warm, compassionate and understanding. Your guides are here with you 24-7. You can call on them anytime.
Guides and angels communicate with you in the same way your intuition does by using your inner senses. All of the tools I taught you so far will work to help you hear your guides and angels.
When you sit to work with your guides, ask if they are in mastery. It’s best to only work with beings who are in mastery. If they are not in mastery, ask for your master guides to take those beings to their next highest place for their own evolution and fulfillment and make sure there are only master level beings on your guide team.
The only exception I sometimes make to that is with a deceased relative. Some of our relatives have not achieved mastery, but they can still be allowed on your guide team as long as they are loving and wise and not causing any interference. My mother and grandmother visit me frequently from the other side. I listen to their advice and take it to heart. I also know they love me. Then I also continue by checking in with my master level guides and make sure I’m on track.
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor and Trainer, Portland Oregon