Nature is one of your greatest helpers. The tiniest flower growing through the crack in the pavement has worked very hard to brighten your day. It has pushed through the strongest of adversity to get to the surface to find you and show it’s face for a few days.
Enter the mighty dandelion, peeking its head from the sidewalk. Stop to say hello. It is one of the strongest of flowers and the heartiest of plants. It is not afraid of harsh conditions. It will take on cement when it wants to bloom.
Be like the mighty dandelion. We are not asking you to seek out hardship but to reach for the sun under any circumstances. If your seed is planted in an easy soil, you are blessed and lucky. Be grateful. If your seed seems to be planted under the pavement, work around the pavement until it cracks and you break through.
If your heart is cold, weary and worn with old issues, if it is hardened like concrete or wet like the river, break through. Breathe through. There is a love inside that is deeper than all the hardship. You must drill down through the hardship to find the love. The dandelion will push through the concrete to reach the sun. You too can grow through your hardship to reach the light. Use your intuition and trust yourself.
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Love to you,
Dawn Lianna, M.A.
Intuitive Counselor, Portland Oregon