Hello everyone,
I spoke with my guides this morning and this is what they had to say.
“We want today to remind you of who you really are. There are so many distractions in the world and the world is moving so quickly, it’s like a movie going at a radically fast speed and that can be distracting. The movie tells you that you are a boy or a girl, a man or a woman, tall or short, thin or fat, happy or sad. But you are not any of those things really. You are love. You are the love inside yourself and you are a unique expression of that love energy.
Love is your nature and that is your true self. You have all had inklings of remembering the love inside you. You weren’t told that you would grow up to be “the light”, yet you have found the light inside of you. Your great grand parents may have never heard of a light worker but today these are common terms.
We are in times of radical and rapid shifting, and it’s easy to get lost, derailed or scared. Stay as close to the present moment as you can and stay in your center. Ask for guidance and sit to listen for guidance anytime. When you are in fear do not project manifestations for the future. Instead embrace the fear, love yourself with all your might and let the fear dissolve. We are here for you 24 -7. WE are with you always. Ask for our help.
We encourage you to ground and clear your energies several times a day – See how to ground at this link – http://www.intuitivecallings.com/free-resources/grounding/
Practice staying present. So many opportunities are bypassed because people are not awake in the moment or you are too scared to connect with the opportunity because it requires a greater letting go.
Allow spirit to move through you, to touch your lips, to move your hips. Let go, let go let go and let in the new. Follow the inspiration every single moment. Love yourself with all your might. We adore you.”
Love to you,
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor
Portland, Oregon and Worldwide by Phone