Love Your Good Ol Ego and the Intuition.
The gold ol’ ego can get in the way of your intuition. The ego likes to rule the roost and isn’t fond of giving up power. Turning your life over to a higher power threatens the dear little ego.
Well I have some good news for your good ol’ ego. The ego is actually a necessary part of our individuation. We need the ego to be an individual. Some psychologies teach us to kill the ego. That is too much war for me and that threatens the poor little thing half to death, which makes it rebel even more. I think it’s a mistake to try to annihilate the ego.
I like to give the ego a job, like making sure I am on time for appointments or that I drink enough water!
We want our ego to align with our Higher Self. We need an ego to help us function in this world and live a decent human existence. The ego is also part of our God given make up and it won’t die until we do. It just needs to be put in its place, assured it has some small value, and taught to surrender to a higher authority. Once the ego is quieted, the voice of your soul can come through.
You might think I’m a little crazy to give the ego some valor but honestly, it seems to quiet it down and give it a sense of lasting value. Give it a medal of honor and some retirement papers and one or two little jobs and love it up. Battering the ego makes for low self-esteem, the same as being full of yourself makes you an egomaniac. Love your little ego and give it a little resting place in your heart.
Love, love, love,
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor
Portland, Oregon and Worldwide by Phone
Thanks for that! A nice reminder all the parts of us have a purpose and can be useful in the right context.