Hi everybody,
Today’s Alignment and Eclipse Energies Update: May 20, 2012
Today, we are experiencing an event that has been forecast in many traditions. There is an eclipse at 4:23 p.m. PST. The eclipse itself is an annual event. Here is a link to National Geographic where they speak to the annual part of the event and show a picture of the ring of fire.
In, addition to this annual event, the earth, moon, sun and the Pleiades are aligned for the first time in 26,000 years. People are gathering all over the world for this alignment.
We are experiencing a rebirthing of our true selves and as this event is happening and that rebirthing is accelerating, there is a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual recalibration taking place.
Some folks are reporting symptoms such as dizziness, unsual tiredness, aches and pains in the body, blurred vision and larger than usual mood swings. Many call these ascension symptoms. As the energies shift our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are adjusting. I myself have been experiencing blurry eyes, my reading glasses are too strong, a brain stem headache, and ultra sensitivity to light for a few days now. The purpose of this alignment is to help us to get clear and return to love. So grab onto your hearts folks and stay there! (If you are having symptoms, it’s often good to check with your natural care practitioner, but it may be very temporary.)
Folks are also reporting increased synchronicities, time bending experiences, an increase in psychic abilities, sensitivity and connection to their hearts. I too am having a profound and noticable upping of my psychic abilities and my ability to hear the masters, guides and angels is getting clearer by the day. For quite awhile I felt like I was at a threshold, but things are really moving now.
Here are some things my guides have suggested to help with the energies. Drink lots of water and sip on warm tea. If you are drawn to exercise, do so. If you are drawn to lay low, do that. Eat lightly and very pure foods, even more so than usual Fresh fruits might taste extra good and fill you up quickly or you may have a lack of appetite. If you experience a lighter appetite, go with it.
Do Pranayama or breathing exercises when or if you have memory storms. Use water. Drink it, take a bath or shower or if you are lucky enough to be able to swim – get in the water. If you are tired, rest. Meditate today and especially at the time of the eclipse.
We are each unique and you experience life uniquely. Whether you are experiencing symptoms or not, stay in the moment and stay in your heart. All is well. The phenomenon is not what matters. What matters is that we live from love. Happy Eclipsing!
Dawn Lianna, M.A.
Intuitive Counselor and Trainer
Portland, Oregon and Worldwide by Phone
Hi Dawn
Thank you so much for the info and link to National Geographic. I shall be watching.
I’ve been, unknowingly, following your advice today: resting, gentle exercise, drinking more tea than usual and eating blueberries & strawberries.
I must be more “tuned-in” than I thought.
Hi Dawn, thanks for posting this! I viewed the eclipse with shades on a bit and didn’t feel anything but plugged in. But for the past few days, I’ve been seeing a tealish/turquoise kinda gradient in certain shades of blue or green. My psychic abilities have been heightened and I was starting to worry I did some damage to my retinas, but natural things look fine. I noticed that I’ve been seeing auras more and my own aura was a vibrant blue/teal. Could I be projecting my aura onto other things? Is that possible? What do you make of this?