Through the Sweet Eyes of the Angels!
As I lay in my bath this morning, I asked the angels if they had a message for us on this great Thanksgiving Day. They said they had a small request that we carry this great days’ energy much further. They gave me a small challenge to pass along.They requested we use our intuition and go out of our way this whole season to do something extra for someone each day. When I asked “Like what?” They said, “Something very small.” I said again, “Like what?” “Something Free!” they shimmered. “For example?,” I asked innocently? They said like a smile, an extra hello, a greeting, a loving hand, a little extra love. I felt the tears well up in my eyes when seeing us helping each other in these tiny way, seen through the eyes of the angels was the most beautiful thing on earth.
I saw the angels delighting as someone slowed to say hello to an elderly woman walking alone. I saw someone stop to pick up a handkerchief someone had dropped and carry it to the person, smiling. I saw someone helping someone into their car. I saw someone stop just to smile. Each of these small acts of kindness made their angel wings shimmer. It was so beautiful to see.
I will make this daily small, free commitment to making our world a little sweeter. Will you?
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