Things That Help Me Connect with My Intuition and Guidance.
1. Alignment: Rest, sleep, naps, relaxation, slowing down, breathing, meditation, prayer, mindfulness.
2. Alone Time: hot baths, walking in nature, listening, being calm, being authentic, being grateful.
3. Willingness: The ability to get out of my own way, and put my stuff aside. Quieting my mind to perceive.
4. Importance: Receiving guidance is very important to me.
5. Self Trust: Trust what I receive.
6. Right action: Willingness to follow brings in more.
7. Service and Purpose: The sincere desire to connect and be of service. Caring about others enough to want to get be present for them and often guidance for them. Staying alignment with my purpose.
8. Spending Time: Getting the names and qualities of my guides and Angels and requesting to know their skill sets and expertise. etc.
9. Feedback Loop: I give my guides feedback when I sense them. Healthy communication is a 2 way street.
10. Using all my Senses: Visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, gustatory, telepathy, downloads, channeling.
11. Taking and teaching Classes and Getting Readings for others if I need help,
12. Friends: Being with like-minded others, hearing about others experiences and hanging with the highest quality, people who are full of integrity.