Hi everybody,
I was asked recently why someone would want to take Intuition Development Training. This person had a hard time believing that intuition was something that could be developed.
She was very pleased after we spoke for awhile because she began to realize that her own intuition was working well and that it could be improved with a little knowledge. Here is one of the questions she asked me.
Question: How do I increase my self trust?
Answer: You increase self trust by following through. When you follow through and see that it works you begin to trust yourself more. This also works physiologically because the brain loves to reuse neuropathways that you are used to following. Once you blaze a trail of following through you will find your brain helping you to do so automatically.
Have a great day everyone!
This was so important for me to hear. Following through on a project or even a small thing, like doing the dishes, always has rewards for me. I actually have to push myself to finish some things, and if I leave something unfinished it clutters up my day. So, yes, I love this kind of information.