Blessings to you all,
This newsletter is divided into three sections.
- Personal – Time to read, one minute
- Spirit’s Message – Time to read, two minutes
- Sessions – 2 Session Discount. – Time to read, two minutes
A Personal Note
I want to share my last month’s activity with you. I’ve been called to Hawaii and am visiting and working from here for 4 months. I left home on Dec 6 with 2 short house sits planned and have now landed in a cottage rental behind my friends home in Hilo. The land is gorgeous, my time is blessed and precious and I also want you to know that I’m working very hard on myself and the call of the land.
Nature here speaks loudly of the new earth. She is spewing lava daily. Because the native people have traditionally listened to the land, she speaks loudly. She is disappointed that we are not taking better are of her and the call for help from the Earth is loud and clear. She is asking us to return to greater stewardship and care of the land.
She asks us to listen and tune in and take back the stewardship in ways that are within our power and control. Sometimes we can only stop to talk to a dandelion or to water a houseplant in a more conscious way, yet Earth is asking us to listen. For those who are adept at earthwork, the water and lands are calling for our attention and clearing as the downloads of light continue to enter.
Spirit’s Message: Purification and Purging
The aligning and purifying that we have been experiencing is speeding up. We are asked to continue to feel things and heal things from many lifetimes and move them out from our bodies and release them. This is intense and purifying. The more you do, the less you have left to do because we are truly moving toward mastery.
We are asked to stay in alignment moment by moment. We know that things are crazy weird on the outer right now. The Earth is purging and the light is pushing the purge to the surface. What we are seeing needs to be seen, even though it is atrocious. There are huge waves of light and higher frequency energies hitting the Earth. This is causing a massive detoxification process. We are each asked to step into deeper alignment to listen to our souls and to spirit.
The things you are watching on the outer are the tail end of the last cycle. These things don’t work so they are dying. In dying they are kicking up a big fuss, trying to hold on to the power, they have had. This is their death rattle. It’s not an easy time and we know and acknowledge this.
You are asked to move into deeper alignment and mastery. As you do so, your own purge continues happening. We know it can seem relentless as issue after issue comes up to be cleared and then we also want to admire you for so much clarity.
The love underneath is pushing the gunk to the surface, just like it is doing for the earth. Earth is receiving the light whole heartedly as are many of you. It is heaven sent.
2018 will continue to have its share of strong emotions, feelings and truth serum. Pay attention to where you feel called, even when it is uncomfortable. Take the plunge, follow the nudges, and jump off the diving board. Your higher selves are orchestrating and communicating 24-7. We continue to transmute a lot of energy. If you find yourself tired, rest, rejuvenate, listen to music and get out in nature. Nurture and love yourself.
2 Session Specials
Readings: I continue to do sessions from here. I work in several ways. One way is that I am able to hear your spirit guide and Angelic healers. So I listen in to help you get people get clear guidance and answers to your deepest my heartfelt questions. I also help people receive guidance around larger and small yet important or urgent decisions. Spiritual guidance is very helpful no matter what you are going through. Your guides are so wise and so loving that hearing from them can be a real boost and pick up as well as a way to generate clarity and progress.
Emotional Clearing Work with NLP: My specialty is working with people, with their deepest oldest issues, the ones that haven’t cleared with other work. I work to find the root of an old gnarly issue and to help you clear it at the causal level. This is deeply effective and long-standing issues that have created a lot of turmoil often clear. You can work on anything you might take to a counselor or a reader: Love, relationships, money, inner child work, confidence, self-esteem, direction and those frustrating dinosaur issues that have plagued for as long as you can remember.
Clearing Buildings I am gifted at clearing land and building when they have filled up with muck or a disincarnate spirit. I clear houses for people when they are moving in or out of a home or office, to set the field in a way that a place sells or is fresh and clear for a move in.
Discount: For sessions paid for by January 31 and completed by Feb 15, I am offering 2 one-hour sessions for $200 or two half hour sessions for $100. The one session price remains the same: $125.0o an hour and $65 a half hour. I do not turn people away when this is truly cost prohibitive.
If you want to work with me, there are a three ways to get ahold of me at this time. You can email me at Call or text my cell. 503-515-6798. Or book a time on my appointment calendar online. The online calendar has my usual availability. If you don’t see a time that will work for you, email me and I’ll find a time for you. If you feel stuck, get some help.
I send you bountiful love. There is wiretap to infinite love inside of each of us. Be sure to spend some time there daily.
Love Dawn