The Mighty Lotus Adds Enlightenment and Protection to Your Energy Field
Hi everybody,
The mighty lotus flower is said to contain all the energy needed for enlightenment. How about trying this exercises using lotus blossoms. It a wonderfully intuitive process. It’s easy and it works
1. One way to use the lotus is to Imagine you are a Lotus vine at your core.
2. Imagine growing Lotus Blossoms right from your core. Grow just the lotus blossoms not vines.
3. Grow the lotus blossoms to the edge of your aura and beyond. They can be any color your want. These are psychic protection lotuses. Imagine that the blossoms protect you.
4. Throughout the day, the blossoms may wilt as you get tired or encounter lower frequencies. Then simply grow more lotus blossoms. Grow them out the front back and sides of your field using visualization and your intuition.
5. You can put the lotus blossoms on auto bloom. They grow even when you aren’t thinking about it as needed. It may take a little practice to get that to happen automatically but stay with it and it will begin to be there automatically.
6. This is a great tool for monitoring your energy and encouraging your own intuition to grow. Imagine that the blossom represent your intuition growing and blossoming in your daily life.
7. Another way to use the mighty lotus is to imagine sitting on a lotus flower and meditating. This can also be a lovely intuitive experience.
Much love,
Dawn Lianna M.A.
Intuitive Counselor
Portland, Oregon and Worldwide by Phone